This book was fantastic. Not only did she talk about those she gave abortions to, but those whom she helped decide the right decision for them was actually not to have an abortion. I anticipated this book to really preach to the pro choice crowd and was pleasantly surprised when instead it simply told the trials and tribulations that Susan Wicklund went through on her journey to be an abortion doctor. We learn about why Susan decided to go down this path, we learn of her personal life while she was going to school to be a doctor, we learn about her daughter and her husband and her parents. We learn about the fight for women rights. She tells stories of the women she encounters coming into the clinic and their story and reasoning behind being there. We learn of the patients trials and tribulations on getting to the clinic and the emotions they go through in order to make this decision. Susan's big thing was making sure the women who inquired about getting an abortion had enough counseling to make sure that doing that, was actually 100% what they wanted. She wanted to make sure that no third party was involved in the decision making (forcing them to) unless warranted by the patient. She was very concerned with making sure that the woman realized she has a CHOICE in the matter and that having an abortion was the right CHOICE for them.
I was truly appalled at some of the situations Susan found herself in due to the crowd who choice pro life as their path in life. While I have my own beliefs and believe that others are allowed to have theirs, it still amazes me at the length a person will go to impose their beliefs on others. Especially when it comes to a LEGAL action.... abortion is LEGAL. I am also appalled at the "justifiable homicide" mentality talked about in the book It's okay to kill a Doctor, because they feel the Doctor is killing the babies. What?!?! Maybe it's just me.
I feel like no description I give of this book with do it justice. In all reality I think that everyone, pro choice and pro life, should read this and see the background to what Susan went through as a person trying to support women's rights. As a person trying to raise a daughter, be a daughter, be a wife, a friend, and a good Doctor.
More info:
To Support Reproductive Rights Organizations
NARAL Pro-Choice America
To Find Facts from Reliable Sources
The Guttmacher Institute
The Help Somone Who Doesn't Have the Resources to Pay for an Abortion
Pro-Choice Resources
The National Network of Abortion Funds
To Find Information on Legal Considerations in the US and Around the World
The Center for Reproductive Rights
For General Info about Abortion and Reproductive Health
Citizens Development Corps
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
The Feminist Majority Foundation
To Support Reproductive Rights Organizations
NARAL Pro-Choice America
To Find Facts from Reliable Sources
The Guttmacher Institute
The Help Somone Who Doesn't Have the Resources to Pay for an Abortion
Pro-Choice Resources
The National Network of Abortion Funds
To Find Information on Legal Considerations in the US and Around the World
The Center for Reproductive Rights
For General Info about Abortion and Reproductive Health
Citizens Development Corps
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
The Feminist Majority Foundation